Features for managing instructor operations
This section covers processes for managing instructor operations such as maintaining availability, setting pay rates and allocating lessons.
Using the instructor messenger function
You may send messages from RoomBoss to your instructors, these are displayed inside the Instructor Log Ins.
If you have added an email address for the instructor via: Product Setup → Product Details → Resources, messages will be sent to this email address.
To send messages:
Click on the Send New Messages tab
Enter your message Title, write your Message
Click the Send Message button
You may choose to send to:
All - Message will go to all instructors.
Tags - Message will go to instructors that have specific tag(s) selected (for example you could choose to message the Private Ski group only).
Instructors - Select specific instructor(s) to message.
Instructors can see messages by logging into their portal, they can indicate a message has been read, this can be useful when:
You want to confirm that the recipient instructor(s) have received the message.
You are asking for feedback, i.e. Mark as read by Dec 21 if you are happy to have less days off in January.
From within Schedule+, click the View Messages tab
Click on the message you would like to check
A list of Recipients will be displayed, a tick will be next to the name of those who have read the message
If you want to know if a certain instructor has read the message, type their name in the text box under Recipients to locate them
Managing instructor operations and using On Mountain Check In
This section contains instructions on how to manage instructor operations and how to use the On Mountain Check In system.
Customer check in with the On Mountain Check In
A ticket-free system is available for managing your on mountain ski school line-up. Provide your team with tablets and allow customers to check in electronically.
Ski School check-in displays details of all the lessons on a selected day, and allows you to set each lesson as having checked in once the customer arrives.
You can access the On Mountain Check In system at:
1. For accounts with multiple vendors, select the vendor (ski school area) you wish to view.
2. You may search for a customer/lesson by name, Booking ID, booking notes or product options.
Under the Filter heading, enter the search criteria in the Enter a keyword... field and click the Filter button.
Optionally you may filter lessons by category and product to identify the customer's lesson.
3. Once you have located the customer/booking, press the Check In button to check in the customer.
It is only possible to check in lessons that occur on the day of the lesson.
Multi day lessons are checked in each day of the lesson.
Checked in lessons move to the bottom when the page is refreshed so that you can more
Before starting check in, or if lessons you are expecting to see are not found when searching, click Load/Refresh Lessons on the Check In tab to ensure that you are working with the latest data.
In some circumstances you may wish to flag a lesson for attention at check in. For example if the customer has not fully paid, or if you require the customer to return to the ski school center for any reason.
On the Scheduling Notes section of the Edit A Booking screen, change the Flag to one of the preset values: Red, Green, Blue and Orange. Within your team you can associate the colour with a meaning. Such as:
Red – Unpaid
Green – Waiver form not submitted
Blue – Contact Supervisor
Orange – Other
If a lesson is flagged, the flag colour will be displayed on the lesson at check in.
For additional clarity, it's possible to add a message that's displayed at line up to convey the reason to the customer.
We recommend using LTE-enabled Android tablets (the RoomBoss App is only available on Android). Tablets should be waterproof and able to withstand the cold.
It is possible to use mobile phones, but tablets are easier to work with if the queue is long on the mountain.
If you have added the guest QR code to the automated emails, you can use it to quickly identify the guest and check them in. Scan the code, choose the booking and check the guest in.
The two methods of allocating lessons to instructors
Private lessons need to be allocated to an instructor. Group lessons do not need to be allocated (and prior to the lesson it's probably not clear who the instructor will be) but you may allocate them.
Lessons can be allocated individually on the Edit A Booking page, or multiple lessons can be managed on the page.
Locate and open the booking, on the Edit A Booking page, scroll down to the Allocation section and click Edit.
There are two choices for listing instructors to select for the lesson:
Allocate Now : This will give you a list of instructors who are not already allocated to a lesson.
Allocate Now - Show All : This will not limit your selection, and all instructors will be shown.
For multi-day lessons, an instructor is selected for each day of the lesson.
For private lessons, choosing a pay rate here will result in the chosen pay rate being paid to the instructor.
Clicking the Show Allocation Table link will bring up a view of your instructors over the date(s) of the lesson. You can filter down to instructors scheduled for a particular activity to assist in identifying candidates for the lesson.
Select your Ski School from the drop down menu
Select the dates and number of days.
Click the Next button (this button will change to Reload)
Click the Show button
Select Allocate Lessons under What You Want To Do
Optionally you can apply filters to reduce the amount of information shown to improve clarity - Time/ Categories/Instructors You Want To See
If you would like to search for a different date or number of days
Select the dates and number of days.
Click on the Reload button.
Drag Unallocated Lessons displayed on the left to instructors (see below).
Dragging a multi-day lesson onto the instructor's name will allocate it to that instructor for all days of the lesson.
Dragging a multi-day lesson onto a day in the instructor's row will allocate it just for that day.
You can drag a lesson from one instructor to another. Note each day of a multiple day lesson needs to be dragged individually.
Clicking on a lesson allocated to an instructor allows you to:
See details of that lesson.
Unallocate the lesson from the instructor with the Remove Booking button.
Set the pay rate for the lesson with the Pay Level drop down menu.
Navigate to the Edit A Booking page for the lesson.
Maintaining availability, pay rates and status of instructors
If you make use of Instructor Availability Management then it's important to maintain correct availability. For example you need to reduce numbers if an instructor is injured and will no longer be part of the team.
As , to manage instructor numbers:
Navigate to Product Setup →
Select your criteria from the drop down and click Show
Click on the Instructor Stock By Category tab
If the rate of pay changes for an instructor, i.e. an instructor is promoted:
Navigate to Product Setup →
Select your ski school from the Vendor drop down menu
Editthe existing contract and set the End Date to the last day of the previous pay rate
Create a new contract with the Start Date from the first day of the new pay rate
If an instructor can no longer work then they should be set as Inactive:
Click on the Resources tab
Click Edit next to the instructor
Click on the Status drop down menu and set as Inactive
Click Save
Instructor contracts are needed for the system to calculate pay and reports such as instructor pay as a percentage of lesson revenue. If you wish to access historical information about pay, be sure to keep your contracts in place.
By default, contracts are hidden for instructors who are inactive. So when managing contracts the system limits on-screen information to what is relevant for your current team.
In short, feel free to set the End Date of a contract and to set an instructor as inactive but please consider implications before deleting instructor contracts.
The three methods of scheduling instructor activities
Adding activities to instructor schedules can be done as far in advance as suits your operations. Some schools add activities just for the week ahead. Others add activities for the entire season, with instructors consistently working regular days of the week.
There are three ways to add activities, allowing you to easily add hundreds of activities across your team in one step, and to make pinpoint changes for a single instructor.
The Bulk Add to Schedule is a convenient way to set activities for a large number of regularly scheduled instructors over a long date range.
To add activities over a date range across multiple instructors:
Navigate to Schedule →
In the instructors list, the instructor's ski (S), snowboard (B), and telemark (T) levels are displayed preceding their name to assist in selection.
It is also possible to set instructor parent Category and Available / Not Available status:
Click on the Availability radial button.
Click on the Category drop down menu and select Ski or Snowboard
Click on the Available or Not Available radial button
Click the Set Availability button.
Note that bulk add to schedule will overwrite any existing scheduled activities that overlap the dates and times you specify for the selected instructors.
It is possible to manage instructor schedules up to one week at a time:
Click on the Show / Refresh button
Click on the Manage Activities & Add to Schedule link
As shown above, you can add activities to the schedule of multiple instructors in one step.
Activity duration can be set based on the interval it is dragged to, a custom time range or the default time range set on the activity.
Dragging an activity onto the instructor's name will schedule it for every day in the date range you set in the Dates area.
Dragging an activity onto a day in the instructor's row will schedule it just for that day.
Days where an instructor is set as unavailable on the Instructor Availability page will be marked on this page and it will not be possible to schedule the instructor for these days.
After an instructor completes an activity it is necessary to change the status to Set as Completed in order for the instructor to be paid.
It is possible to process one activity at a time, or by checking all/multiple activities and processing them in one step.
Calculate Instructors Pay using the Instructor Transaction page and timesheets
Instructor pay is generated based on the hourly rates specified in contracts. This applies to private lessons allocated to instructors and completed activities scheduled to instructors.
It is also possible to include other, arbitrary payments and charges with the transactions page.
Transactions can be either Credits (pay money to an instructor) or Debits (charge money to an instructor). These will show on the time sheet report inside your account and will be visible to instructors inside their login.
To view transactions:
Navigate to Product Setup →
Non-activity or lesson related payments are categorised by type when charged to instructors. These are user defined, examples can be: Tax, Lift Ticket, Rent, Bonus, Non Contract Pay….
To setup types:
Navigate to Product Setup →
Click on the Manage Transaction Type tab
Enter a Name, select a Color and a Category
Click Save.
To enter a new transaction:
Click on the Enter New Transaction tab
Select 1 or more instructors
Set the From and Until for the transaction
Select the desired Weekdays via the checkboxes
Select the Transaction Type
Click on Type and select Credit or Debit
Enter the Amount
Optionally enter a note (this is not shown to the instructor)
Click Save
You can see all transactions for an instructor and cancel them on the View and Cancel Transactions tab.
Cancelled transactions will remain on this page but will not be visible to instructors or included in pay calculations.
Users must have the Manage Pay and Timesheets role to access and use this page.
The amount to pay each instructor, and the breakdown of work can be downloaded by:
Set the From and Until dates (typically the previous month)
Click the Show / Refresh button.
Click on the Click to see if report generation has completed... link
Once the report has generated, click the Download Instructor Timesheets link.
The downloaded Excel file will have the following tabs:
Summary - Shows total pay, hours and other summary information for each instructor.
Instructors Timesheet - Breakdown of every lesson and activity for all instructors.
Instructor tabs - Tab for each instructor who worked in the date range you specified. The instructor specific tab shows all pay items for the instructor.
Your payroll department can make use of this data to enact payment to instructors.
To allocate lessons with the page:
If your ski school utilizes RFID check-in, guests can be allocated to instructors during on-mountain check-in as well. Please see the section for more info.
Navigate to Product Setup →
Navigate to Schedule →
The page allows you to view, add, edit and delete activities.
The page is an intuitive and visual way to make changes and allows you to drag and drop activities onto instructors, to access this page:
Navigate to Schedule →
To set as completed on the page:
Navigate to Schedule → → Show / Refresh → Schedule List
Navigate to Product Setup →
Navigating to Reports →
A comprehensive list of off snow RFID tag scenarios
All steps in this section are performed in RoomBoss.
Navigate to Product Setup → Product Details
Click on the Resources tab, click Edit on the instructor
Click the Add External ID button
Scan Instructor RFID tag (lift pass)
Click the Guest tab on the Edit A Booking page
Click the Add External ID button
Scan Instructor RFID tag (lift ass)
Click the Guest tab on the Edit A Booking page
Click the Add External ID button
The field will will be blank, click Confirm
A comprehensive list of on snow RFID tag scenarios
All steps in this section are performed with the On Mountain Check In
Click Instructor RFID
Click Add External ID on the instructor
Scan Instructor RFID tag (lift pass)
Returning guest or association done off snow:
Click the RFID tab
Click on the Scan Guest button
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - correct lesson shown
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click Check In button
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Guest
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - multiple lessons shown
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click Check In button
For instructions to disassociate a RFID tag (lift pass) from a guest, click here
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Guest
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - no lessons shown
Click the Check in tab, the top of screen will show Associating Guest to pass [lift pass number]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Click the Check In & Associate guest with this pass button
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Guest
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - wrong lesson shown
Click the Check in tab, the top of screen will show Associating Guest to pass [lift pass number]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Click the Check In & Associate guest with this pass button
For instructions to disassociate a RFID tag (lift pass) from a guest, click here
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Guest
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - No lesson shown
Click the Check in tab, the top of screen will show Associating Guest to pass [lift pass number]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Click Check in
Note: not possible to associate lesson with guest on snow.
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan instructor RFID tag (lift pass) - top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructor name]
Click Scan Guest
Scan RFID Tag (Lift Pass) - correct lesson shown
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click Allocate to [instructor name]
Repeat from Step 4 for next guest
Click the Disable Instructor Allocation button when finished
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan instructor RFID tag (lift pass) - top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name]
Click the Scan Guest button
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - correct lesson shown
Check correct guest/lesson shown and click Check in and Allocate to [instructors name]
Repeat from Step 4 for next guest
Click Disable Instructor Allocation when finished
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan instructor RFID tag (lift pass) - top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name]
Click the Scan Guest button
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - no lessons shown
Click the Check in tab, top of screen will show Associating guest with pass [lift pass number and Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructor name]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click the Check in, Allocate to [instructors name] & Associate guest with this... button
Click on the RFID tab
Repeat from Step 4 for next guest
Click Disable Instructor Allocation when finished
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan instructor RFID tag (lift pass) - Top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name]
Click the Scan Guest button
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - no lessons shown
Click the Check in tab, top of screen will show Associating guest with pass [lift pass number and Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructor name]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click the Check in, Allocate to [instructors name] & Associate guest with this... button
Click on the RFID tab
Repeat from Step 4 for next guest.
Click Disable Instructor Allocation when finished
Click the RFID Tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan instructor RFID tag (lift pass) - Top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name]
Click the Scan Guest button
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - wrong lessons shown
Click the Check in tab, top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name] and Associating Guest to pass [lift pass number]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click Check in, Allocate to [instructor name] and Associate guest with this...
Click on the RFID tab
Repeat from Step 4 for next guest
Click Disable Instructor Allocation when finished
Click the RFID Tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan instructor RFID tag (lift pass), top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name]
Click the Scan Guest button
Scan guest RFID tag (lift pass) - wrong lessons shown
Click the Check in tab, top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name] and Associating Guest to pass [lift pass number]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click Check in, Allocate to [instructor name] and Associate guest with this...
Click on the RFID tab
Repeat from Step 4 for next guest
Click Disable Instructor Allocation when finished
Should have been handled off snow but if not:
Click the RFID Tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan RFID Tag (Lift Pass) - Top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructor name]
Click Scan Guest
Scan guest RFID Tag (Lift Pass) - no lessons shown
Click the Check in tab, top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructor name]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click Check in, Allocate to [instructor name]
Return to RFID tab and repeat from 4 for next guest….
Click “Disable instructor allocation” when finished
Click the RFID tab
Click Scan Instructor
Scan RFID tag (lift pass) - top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name]
Click the Scan Guest button
Scan RFID tag (lift pass) - no lessons shown
Click the Check in tab, top of screen will show Allocating lessons to Instructor [instructors name]
Use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson for this guest
Confirm the correct guest/lesson is shown, click Check in and allocate to
Click on the RFID tab
Repeat from Step 4 for next guest
Click Disable Instructor Allocation when finished
Note: It is not possible to associate lesson with guest on snow.
The guest has already been associated with an RFID tag at the time they check in. (Maybe they are an existing customer or the RFID tag is associated at the time of purchasing the lesson.)
Navigate to the On Mountain Check In portal - https://appt.roomboss.com/ui/skischool/index.jsf
Click the Load/Refresh Lesson button to ensure the information is up-to-date.
Click on the RFID tab, click the Scan Guest button
Scan the guest’s RFID tag (lift pass)
A list of available lessons will be shown.
Find the correct lesson, click Check In
Lessons can be allocated to an instructor in advance or on snow. In many cases private lessons are allocated in advance. However with group lessons, groups are not determined prior to line up, therefore they are allocated on snow.
Click the RFID tab, click on the Scan Instructor button
Scan the instructor’s RFID tag (lift Pass)
Click the RFID tab, click on the Scan Guest button
Scan the guest’s RFID tag (lift pass)
Click the Allocate to [Instructor Name] button to allocate the lesson to a guest who has already checked in
Click the Check in & Allocate to [Instructor Name] button to check in and allocate a lesson
If the guest is not associate with this RFID tag (Lift Pass), then click Check In tab:
Click Allocate to [Instructor Name] and associate guest with this pass button if the guest has been checked in
Click the Check in, Allocate to [Instructor Name] and associate guest with this pass button to check in the guest, allocate a lesson and associate the RFID pass
The guest has yet to be associated with an RFID tag at the time they check in. (Maybe they are a new customer on the first day of their lesson.)
1. Navigate to the On Mountain Check In portal - https://appt.roomboss.com/ui/skischool/index.jsf 2. Click the RFID tab, click on the Scan Guest button 3. Scan the guest’s RFID tag (lift pass) 4. It should say "No results found." or the pass has already been associate with another customer 5. Click on the Check In tab, use the Enter a keyword... search bar to find the correct lesson
6. Click on the Check In & Associate guest with this pass button, this will check the guest in and associate them with the RFID tag (lift pass)
It is possible to associate every instructor and guest with an RFID tag (such as those found in many lift tickets).
RFID tags allow you to quickly identify guests and instructors at line up, check in the guest and link them (allocate their booking) to the instructor teaching the lesson.
Utilizing RFID tags requires additional hardware. Please feel free to contact us regarding further instructions on compatibility and suggested hardware.
3 basic scenarios are covered in more detail in the links below:
The complete list of scenarios are listed below: