Search Bookings
The search booking page is the best place to find existing bookings and download customisable booking reports to Excel.
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The search booking page is the best place to find existing bookings and download customisable booking reports to Excel.
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The Search Booking page can have up to 6 tabs:
Search By Date
Search By Guest
Search By Id
Search by Payment Status
Unallocated Bookings (Accounts selling accommodation only)
Unfinalized Bookings (Accounts selling services only)
Options on this page allow you to limit search results by:
Booking Status - Include only Reservation, Request or Internal bookings.
Vendors - Limit to one or more vendors or choose Accommodation or Non Accommodation only.
Booking Channels - Limit to one or more Booking channel or choose Direct Only or Agent Only.
Date Range - Choose one of the pre set options or set your own date range.
Bookings that Arrive, Depart and Stay during these dates - everything overlapping your date range.
Bookings that Arrive during these dates - only bookings that start in your chosen date range.
Bookings that Depart during these dates - only bookings that end in your chosen date range.
Bookings that were Made during these dates - only bookings that were created in your chosen date range.
Bookings that were Modified during these dates - only bookings that were changed in your chosen date range.
Bookings that were Cancelled during these dates - only bookings that were cancelled in your chosen date range.
You can also include or hide cancelled bookings.
Find all bookings for a guest by their:
Last Name
First Name
Telephone no.
Fax no.
External Id (typically used for an rfid card number representing a guest lift pass or key card)
Search results can be restricted to only guests with current / future bookings and/or those with active reservations.
Find a booking by its:
RoomBoss Id
Custom Id (usually an agent's or OTA's booking id)
This tab is used to check bookings in a chosen date range by their invoice or payment status, options are:
The invoiced amount does not equal the sale amount - show bookings that are not fully invoiced.
Payment has not been received - show bookings with outstanding invoices.
The received amount does not equal the sale amount - show bookings that are not fully paid.
Find all bookings that have not been allocated to a room (accommodation seller accounts only).
Find all bookings that have not been set as finalised (service seller accounts only).