Manager Report
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The Manager Report provides an overview of the year/month to date and comparison with the previous year. It covers basic booking statistics, payments received and displays Guest, City and Advance Ledgers.
To access this report, please navigate to Reporting → Manager Report
The report can be run for all vendors in the account. Alternatively, an individual accommodation vendor can be selected.
No Vendor Selected: Ledgers and Payments include all packages.
Vendor Selected: Only packages that include a booking for that vendor are included.
You can view the data trends for the following areas:
Occupancy by Date
Sales by Date
Cumulative Sales
Values in the report are provided for the following periods:
This Year Month-to-Date (MTD)
This Year Year-to-Date (YTD)
Last Year MTD
Last Year YTD
YTD change : A direct comparison between the current YTD and last YTD values
This section explains how key values are calculated.
Total Room Sales Gross: Total gross for accommodation sales provided in the period. (Pro-rated for bookings overlapping the period.)
Total Room Sales Net: Total net for accommodation sales provided in the period. (Uses nightly rates if available; otherwise, uses pro-rated rates.)
Total Rooms Nights Sold: Total room nights occupied by paying bookings in the period.
Total Room Nights Occupied: Total room nights occupied during the period.
Total Room Nights to Sell: Total available room nights not occupied by zero-value bookings in the period.
Total Number of Units: The total number of units available at the time the report is run.
ADR (Average Daily Rate): Calculated as ADR = Total Room Sales Net / Total Rooms Nights Sold
RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room): Calculated as RevPAR = (Total Room Sales Net / Total Rooms to Sell) × (Number of nights in period)
Occupancy: Calculated as Occupancy = Total Rooms Sold / Total Rooms to Sell
Pax Room Nights: The number of guest room nights during the period.
Vacant Room Nights: The number of unsold available nights.
Arrivals Pax: The number of guests arriving on booking elements during the period.
This section details the three main ledgers and associated calculations.
Includes booking revenue and payments for packages that contain an in-house accommodation booking. In-house packages are those with:
An accommodation booking element with a start date on or before the report date.
An accommodation booking element with an end date after the report date.
Payment Application:
For packages with both accommodation and service bookings:
Payments are applied to the Guest Ledger (Accommodation) first.
Any excess payment (beyond the cost of accommodation) is applied to the Guest Ledger (Services).
Ledger Sign Convention:
Negative (–) value indicates money held.
Positive (+) value indicates money owed.
Packages containing no accommodation booking are not included.
Charge Routing:
Charge routing is considered in ledger calculations.
The difference between:
Payments applied to the Guest Ledger (Accommodation)
The net for all nights between the check-in date and the report date
The difference between:
Payments applied to the Guest Ledger (Services)
The sell price of service reservations in in-house packages
Includes outstanding balances for:
Packages containing accommodation bookings that have all checked out.
Packages without accommodation bookings that have commenced.
For accommodation packages, any shortfall initially appears in the Guest Ledger and then transfers to the City Ledger upon check-out.
Reflects money held for bookings that have not yet checked in or commenced.
Avg Daily GL (Accommodation) Balance: The average Guest Ledger (Accommodation) value for the period.
Avg Daily GL (Services) Balance: The average Guest Ledger (Services) value for the period.
Avg Daily CL Balance: The average City Ledger value for the period.
Avg Daily AL Balance: The average Advance Ledger value for the period.
The payments section reflects all payments received by method during the report periods.
Presentation of the Data:
One row for total payments received in a period.
Separate rows for payments by each payment method.
Includes payments for bookings for both third-party vendors and your vendors.
Bookings for non-managed accommodation vendors are excluded from the Accommodation Statistics and All Ledgers. They are included in the Payments section.
You can also download the report to Excel by clicking the Download Report button .