Booking Channels
Grant access to Travel Agents and Portal sites so that they can check availability and make booking reservations and requests.
Last updated
Grant access to Travel Agents and Portal sites so that they can check availability and make booking reservations and requests.
Last updated
Agents need to be connected to your account. Please let us know if you would like to connect any agents. You can then grant access to them in order for the agents to make bookings. For each vendor in your account, access and commission are set on a per-agent basis:
Navigate to Booking Channels → Access
It is possible to list all the Agents with access to a particular Vendor or all the Vendors a particular Agent has access to, using the drop down menus:
For each Agent/Vendor listed you can choose their access level to your property:
No Access
Request Access
Reservation Access
As well as the access level, you can allow the Agent the ability to edit the booking they have made with you, by selecting the tick box option in the Can Edit column.
You can also set agent booking commissions using the rightmost column on this page, the commission set here will be used to calculate the net price on bookings for each agent. You can further vary the rates set here by using price adjustments.
Reservations and requests notes:
A booking Request is not a confirmed booking.
Booking Requests do not take up stock. Receiving a booking Request will not change the number of rooms available to be booked.
You can change a booking Request to a Reservation from the Edit A Booking page in your account. In doing so, room stock will be reduced accordingly.
All Agents that you take bookings from should sign a contract expressing your payment and cancellation policy. See more on this here Booking And Cancellation Policy.
If you choose to list on portal sites, travelers will be able to send you booking requests for dates that have rates set, and for accommodation that is available to be booked.
All booking requests should be changed from REQUEST to RESERVATION if the traveler confirms a booking or cancelled if not confirmed.
You will be invoiced for commission on a month by month basis for all REQUEST or RESERVATION bookings (via a portal site) that checked out in the preceding month and have not been cancelled.
Portal sites are a source of booking requests.
For information on how to enable channel manager (relevant to PMS accounts only) click here.