Agent Payment Received
Once you have confirmed payment from the agent for a booking you will need to set the payment in RoomBoss.
Last updated
Once you have confirmed payment from the agent for a booking you will need to set the payment in RoomBoss.
Last updated
In the Edit A Booking page of the booking you would like to update. select the Financials tab.
Click Edit then on the left of the invoice that has been paid and enter the details on the bottom half of the page:
The top half of the edit invoice section defines what the invoice should look like.
The bottom half is for recording the payment.
Once the desired payment information has been recorded, click Save and then Done.
RoomBoss allows you to mark invoices on multiple packages as Paid at once using the Mark Invoices As Paid In Bulk feature.
Navigate to Operations → Mark Invoices as Paid In Bulk
Following receipt of payment you may wish to send a Booking Confirmation PDF and/or Receipt PDF . This can be done by clicking the PDF icon on the left of the Booking Details section (for confirmations) or the PDF icon on the left of the Financials section (for receipts). Save this to your computer and email to the customer.