Booking Segment
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Booking Segments can be used to help keep track of booking sources, referrals and advertising campaigns.
Some examples of things you could use Booking Segments to keep track of are:
Referral source for bookings
Owner or owner referral bookings
VIP Guests
If you have not yet setup segments you can access the segments setup page via any booking by clicking Booking Status – Edit and using the Add New Segment link.
Alternatively, to access the segments setup page: Navigate to Product Setup → Booking Segment
Segments are reported in your account in 3 places:
Segments can be included in the Excel customized booking report.
Booking totals are broken down by segment on the Booking Statistics Report II.
If you have active segments in your account you can see segments on the allocation table via the Segments View
In order to effectively implement Booking Segments, they can be added as a URL Parameter to your booking widgets.