Social Sign In Integration
How to allow guests to sign into the booking widget using social media account credentials
Social Sign In
Social sign in allows you to access websites using your existing social network accounts such as Facebook or Google. For websites that support social sign in, this simplifies the sign up/sign in process by removing the need to create a new account and password specifically for a website.
When using the RoomBoss booking widget, in addition to the traditional sign up/sign in method, optionally, you can allow guests to sign in using their Facebook or Google social media account credentials.
This feature is available for Guest Service and SSMS widget.
Enabling Booking Widget Social Sign In
To enable Facebook Sign-in or Google Sign-in, you need a Facebook App ID and a Google Sign-in Client ID respectively.
If you already have either of these values, you may enter them into RoomBoss, the steps are provided below under Enter Facebook App ID and Google Sign-In Client ID into RoomBoss.
If you would like us to setup social sign in on your behalf please contact us. However, if you would like to do this yourself, instructions on how to create and retrieve the values are provided below.
Create Facebook App ID
Navigate to the Facebook Developers page -
Login or create a new Facebook account
For new accounts, click on Get Started to create a new Developers Account or for existing accounts, click My Apps → Add New App
Click the + button to add a new app
Set the Display Name (This is the name that will appear to the client when asking for permission)
Click on Create App ID
Scroll down to Add a Product and locate Facebook Login, click Setup
Follow the steps to add the Facebook Login
Navigate to Facebook Login → Settings
Add your domain to the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field
Click Save Changes
Navigate to Settings → Basic to retrieve your Facebook App ID
Copy your Facebook App ID
Create Google Sign-In Client ID
Navigate to the Google API Console -
Login or create a new account
Select Project
Select New project
Set a Project name
Navigate to OAuth consent screen
Select External for user type, click Create
Set application name (this is the name that will appear to the client when asking for permission)
Click Save
Navigate to the Credentials page
Select + CREATE CREDENTIALS → OAuth client ID
Select Web Application for Application type
Add your URI in the Authorized JavaScript origins field
Click Create.
The OAuth client created page will display your Your Client ID
Copy your Client ID without
Enter Facebook App ID and Google Sign-In Client ID into RoomBoss
Inside your RoomBoss account:
Navigate to Account → Website Configuration
If you have more than one booking widget, locate the desired booking widget listed under Website Configuration
Click on the Edit link to the left of your widget
Enter your Facebook App ID and/or Google Sign-In Client ID at the bottom of the page
Click on the Update Website Configuration button
Booking Widget Facebook and Google Sign Up Customer Experience
The social sign in options are located at the top of the Sign In/Sign Up page. The customer will be taken to this page as part of the booking process.
Click Continue with Facebook or Sign in with Google to use social sign in.
Facebook Sign In Page
Enter Facebook account login credentials and login.
Google Sign In Page
Enter Google account credentials and login.
Once the customer has successfully logged into their social network account, they will be taken to the details form to confirm their details are correct.
Fields will be populated automatically using the existing information (if present) from the customer's Facebook or Google account.
After the customer has confirmed their details are correct, they will click on the Continue button to be taken to the Checkout page.
Last updated
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