Making POS Bookings
Making a booking and payment with POS
Last updated
Making a booking and payment with POS
Last updated
To start, log in and choose the POS Sales Desk (location) you wish to use.
Once you have chosen a Sales Desk, you can then select the Vendor of the products you would like to sell.
POS makes use of the Categories, Types and Products that you have set up within your RoomBoss account and can be updated from the Product Details page. Hint: Changing the Order of your Categories and Products within RoomBoss Product Details will effect the order they are displayed within POS.
Upon selecting the product you would like to sell, It is possible to select from options for your products within POS, such as Number of Days, Size, Vehicle Type etc.
Product Options are set within the Product Details page within RoomBoss. When editing a Product, Option A of any given product will also be reflected within POS.
There are two main sections inside of the basket:
The Booking Summary section show you a list of products that are currently in your basket. There is also the option to "Add Guest". This will open a dialog that will allow you enter Guest Details to be associated with the booking.
The Payments section on the right side shows the current payment methods to be charged for this transaction. There can be multiple different types of payment associated with the transaction, but only once the Booking Grand Total is satisfied, will you be able to proceed to complete the booking.
If you click the “Checkout with Square” button, the square terminal will activate automatically.
Please process as indicated on the square terminal screen.
If the guest would like to pay only by using Square, then no other payment method needs to be added.
If the guest would like to make a partial payment using another payment method such as coupon, cash etc then: - Add the appropriate payment method using the "Add Other Payment" button. - Press the Checkout with Square button to complete the remainder of the payment using Square.
Using 1 or more payment Methods, add payments that equal teh Grand Total Amount. Once the Grand Total Amount is satisfied, the Add Other Payment and Checkout with Square will be replaced with a Complete Booking button. Pressing this button will complete the booking.
Credit Card
Account Receivable
Once the booking has been completed, you will be presented you will be presented on the next screen with the options to Print Ticket(s) or Print Receipt.
It is also possible to search for the booking and print tickets or receipts at a later date by using the POS Search Function.