The Overview page under Product Details provides useful information such as your vendor company website and vendor location.
Last updated
The Overview page under Product Details provides useful information such as your vendor company website and vendor location.
Last updated
Navigate to Product Setup → Product Details → Overview
Choose from the drop down underneath “Product Details” to select which Vendor you would like to view.
The ID specific to this Vendor.
The name of the vendor. The Super Admin user has the ability to update this name.
For ECS / SSMS users, this is what the Vendor will be categorized as. This category is used in the filters in the Order02 booking widget.
Latitude / Longitude
The exact location of your Accommodation Vendor. This will be displayed within the Accommodation Booking Widget to help end users pinpoint your location. To obtain latitude and longitude for your location, find your property from a web mapping service such as Google Maps. Right click on your location and click ‘What’s here?’ This will provide you with the latitude and longitude.
The Status of your Vendor. Only active Vendors can be used.
Update the website URL of the vendor here. This URL can be viewed by Agents when searching the
The location of your Vendor. Used to filter your vendor when in the page.