User Management

Managing user logins and user roles

User Management provides in-depth control of access to functionality.

User Login Management

We recommend that each team member has an individual user login as this provides:

  • Management of each team member's permissions - when a team member leaves employment their user login can be made inactive.

  • Control of the level of access to the system on a user-by-user basis.

  • Tracking of changes, the ability to see which user made changes to bookings and financials. More information is presented in the Activity Tracking section.

  • Assignment of tasks, the ability to create tasks for specific individuals to complete.

Super Administrator

When a new RoomBoss account is created, you begin with a single Super Administrator user login that has access to all RoomBoss roles in the account.

It is possible to create other user with Super Administrator users by setting Super Admin as a role.

Any Super Admin user has access to all roles and can:

  • View log in count, last log in and account creation date.

  • Add, edit users or change permissions.

  • Manually update user passwords.

User Role Management

Setting roles grants users permission to access / change different areas of the system.

Each team member should be granted the minimal set of user Roles that are required for them to fulfil their duties.

  • All users can see the name, email address, telephone number and permissions of other users.

  • Users can edit their own name, email address, telephone number and password.

For detailed descriptions of each role, please visit the documentation of the corresponding account type.

User Password

When the Super Administrator creates new a user (or in the case that a user has forgotten their password), there are two ways that the Super Administrator can provide the password to the user:

  1. The Super Administrator can override the existing password by clicking Change password on the individual user.

  2. The Super Administrator can click the Send reset link, this will send a password reset email to the registered email address for the specific user.

Recovering user credentials via email is only possible if the user has a registered email address.

User Vendor Sets

It is possible to limit the vendors users can view on some pages with User Vendor Sets:

User Vendor sets can be created via the right hand tab:

And linked to users when adding / editing.

The list of vendors accessible to the user will be limited to those in the linked vendor set for the following:

  • Front Desk HQ

  • Housekeeping report and Housekeeping HQ

  • Point Of Sale

  • Allocation Table

Note with the exception of users whose access is restricted to the pages above this is not intended to, and will not, prevent all access to bookings for vendors outside the set.

Add a User

  1. Navigate to Account → Users

  2. Enter the users Name, Email address and Telephone number

  3. Select the appropriate access listed under Roles

  4. Click the Add User button

If no user roles are selected, then the newly created user will be able to view information, but will not be able to make any changes.

Upon completion, a new username and password will be generated, which you will need to provide to the login holder.

Modify an Existing User

  1. Navigate to Account → Users

  2. Click Edit to the left of the user's name

  3. Change users Name, Email address and Telephone number or Roles as necessary

  4. Click Update User

Making a User Inactive

  1. Navigate to Account → Users

  2. Click Edit to the left of the user's name

  3. Change the Status to Inactive

  4. Click the Update User button.

Users cannot be deleted as they are linked to the bookings they make or edit. To remove access from a user, simply change the Status of the account to Inactive.

Inactive users can be hidden by checking the Hide Inactive Users checkbox.

Last updated