Account Details
Confirm your contact details and the settings of your RoomBoss account.
Navigate to Account → Edit Account Details
Account Details
Business Name
The name of the account, visible to other companies.
The name of the account, visible to other companies.
Time Zone
The Time Zone used when displaying such information as the booking creation date.
MailChimp API Key
Wufoo API Key
The API key of your Wufoo account. Please refer to the Wufoo instructions to find your API key.
User Name
The name of the currently logged in User.
User ID
This automatically generated User ID is used to sign in to RoomBoss.
Change the logged in user’s password.
The email address associated with the currently logged in User. In the case of the Admin account, this email is associated with the Roomboss account.*
Password Recover Email
Please make sure this email address is unique and not used by another account / user. We recommend using an email address that is accessible by multiple members of your team.
The telephone number of the currently logged in user.
The language used by us (RoomBoss) when sending emails to you.
* If you will be using Paypal then the default email address to receive payment is the email address you enter on this page. Note it is possible to use a different email address for Paypal payments
Automated Emails
Sales Desk
Auto Cancel Bookings
Adria Scan
Warn Users
Control to enable each type of warning that is displayed to users within your account or agents that are booking your products/services. Each warning listed will be displayed as red warning text on the “Edit a Booking” page on a particular booking.
Booking Widget
Last updated