Using Price Adjustments

You can use price adjustments to manage temporary specials and other context-dependent changes in price.

Navigate to Product Setup → Price Adjustment

Existing Price Adjustments can be viewed once you search from a chosen date.

New Price Adjustments can be made by clicking the button at the bottom right corner of the page.

Existing Price Adjustments can be selected and edited one by one, or selected and deleted in bulk with the check boxes on the left.

The controls to Delete, Edit & Add can be found at the bottom right of the screen

Price adjustments can:

  • Be set as a percentage of the rate or as a fixed fee.

  • Apply to all or a subset of booking channels (booking sources).

  • Increase or decrease rates.

  • Apply only to certain stay dates.

  • Apply only to certain booking dates.

  • Apply only to bookings with a minimum and/or maximum duration.

  • Apply only to bookings with start dates between x and y days in the future.

Adjusted rates will show via all bookings channels an adjustment is applied to. Agents linked to your account are able to see the amount a price has been adjusted. On public widgets, for adjustments which result in a lower price, the rack rates will be displayed struck-through with the adjusted rate displayed below. For adjustments which result in a higher price only the adjusted rate will be displayed.

Percentage Adjustments

Q: When Will Percentage Adjustments Apply To A Booking?

If an accommodation booking overlaps a period with a percentage adjustment, the adjustment will be applied to the nightly rate of the nights that overlap the adjustment only.

If a non accommodation booking with a duration (where option A is length of booking – Please see Product Options for more) overlaps a period with a percentage adjustment, the booking total will be prorated over the duration of the booking and the adjustment will be applied to the days that overlap the adjustment only.

If a non accommodation product which has no duration (where option A is not length of booking) starts in a period with a percentage adjustment, the adjustment will be applied to the total value of the booking.

Example 1 – Percentage Adjustment All Booking Sources

The above is an example of a negative, percentage adjustment for all channels. An “August Sale” 20% discount would apply to bookings for the products in the box on the right, that are booked for a date in December and are made during August.

Example 2 - Percentage Adjustment Single Booking Source Only

The above is an example of a positive, percentage adjustment for only the Agent Jones channel. A 3% increase in fee would apply to all bookings made by Agent Jones only. This might be used, for example, to cover a booking fee for this agent.

Example 3 – Rolling Early Bird Percentage Discount

The above is an example of a 10 % early bird discount. A 10% discount would apply to all booking sources for all products for bookings made between 60 and 365 days in advance of start date.

Fixed Rate Adjustments

Q: When Will Fixed Rate Adjustments Apply To A Booking?

Fixed rate price adjustments can be set to:

  • Apply to every night that falls in the period of the adjustment or, to apply once to every booking if the booking start date is in the adjustment period.

  • Be applied before or after calculation of agent commission.

Example 4 – Fixed Rate Adjustment All Bookings Sources

The above is an example of a positive, fixed rate adjustment of 1,000JPY added to all lift tickets. This might be used to cover a non commission-able deposit on lift tickets. It would be applied once to every booking that commences between 2025/12/01 and 2026/03/31. Commission would be calculated before the adjustment is applied.

Example 5 – Fixed Rate Adjustment Single Booking Source Only

The above is an example of a negative, fixed rate adjustment. This would be a 5,000JPY reduction in cost for all direct (Example Management Group is the name of the account holder) bookings only. It would be applied once to all Direct bookings.

Example 6 – Fixed Rate Adjustment Applied to Every Day/Night of Booking Before Calculation of Commission

The above is an example of a negative, fixed rate adjustment. This would be a 10,000JPY per night/day reduction in cost, it would apply to all nights during June 2025 on bookings for the Meals : Dinner Type A product.

Discount Code Adjustments

Q: When Will Discount Code Adjustments Apply To A Booking?

Discount Code price adjustments can be set to work in conjunction with any/all other adjustment types and criteria, however they will only apply it the agent or vendor enters the Discount Code when making the booking or on the edit booking page:

or when the guest enters the code when booking via a widget:

Example 7 – Percentage Adjustment All Booking Sources Only Applied if Discount Code Entered.

The above is an example of a negative, percentage adjustment that applies to all products for all dates but only if the discount code REPEATER is entered.

Notes On Price Adjustments

  • Dates are inclusive (please check for unintended overlaps).

  • Multiple price adjustments can be applied to a single service. In this case adjustments are additive (i.e. 10% and 20% discounts applied to a single date range would give a 30% total discount).

  • A single price adjustment can apply to one or many services.

  • If adjustments are made or canceled for a date range that already has bookings this will not change the price of the existing bookings. However, if an existing booking’s price is updated, the booking’s price will be calculated based on the adjustments present at that time.

  • Rounding for adjustments is done on a discount by discount, night by night (day by day) basis.

  • Agent commissions for percentage adjustments are calculated based on the adjusted rate.

  • Agent commissions for flat rate adjustments can be calculated based on the rate before or after the adjustment is applied as appropriate.

  • Discount Codes are case sensitive.

  • Entering a discount code after manual changes to gross and sell will remove the manual changes and apply the adjustment to the underlying rate.

We recommend testing all price adjustments are working as intended, you can test this using the Price Calculator:

Navigate → Bookings → Price Calculator

Last updated