Wufoo Integration

Integrating Wufoo online forms with RoomBoss

Wufoo is an online form builder that allows people without a coding background to create sophisticated customised forms. More information is available on the Wufoo website.

Wufoo can be a helpful add-on if you require customers to provide additional information as part of the lesson registration, or to sign a waiver of liability. This can be used to replace a paper process that would normally occur after arriving in-resort with an online process that happens prior to arrival; thereby reducing in-resort service bottlenecks.

You will need to create a Wufoo account in order to use this integration.


The first step is to add a Wufoo API key into your RoomBoss account. Information from Wufoo on finding your API key is available here.

Create Wufoo Form

In order to make form responses display within RoomBoss:

  • The first field you create on your form needs to be a number field. RoomBoss will use this to enter the RoomBoss booking ID.

  • This ID field should be hidden from the customer to avoid it being changed. To do so type hide in the Add CSS Layout Keywords area at the bottom left of the Field Settings screen.

Add Wufoo Form URL to RoomBoss

Once your form is complete:

Inside WuFoo:

  • Navigate to Forms then click Share on the form you wish to use. You will be provided with a Permanent Link To Your Form, copy the URL.

Inside RoomBoss:

  • Navigate to Product Setup → Product Details → Policy → Guest Form Info

  • Paste the URL in the Wufoo Form URL field

  • Click Save

Different forms can be created and set in English and Japanese.

Independent forms can be created and set for different vendors where applicable, i.e. for ski schools, snowmobile tours or rentals.

Providing Forms to Customers

There are a number of ways you can provide forms to customers.

  • Once the Wufoo Form URL is set, it will appear within the Guest Intranet. Customers will be directed to the form while checking booking details and making payment.

  • The link to the form is displayed on the Edit A Booking screen. You may copy it and paste it into customer emails if required.

  • It is possible to create a Mailchimp campaign to send emails to all customers coming in the future with a personalised form URL. i.e. lesson registrations for the next month.

Viewing Form Results

There are three ways to view the results of forms submitted by customers:

  • In RoomBoss on the Edit A Booking screen. Results of form(s) submitted for the booking are shown.

  • In RoomBoss, navigate to CRM → Wufoo Entries Report to view form entries associated with bookings that overlap the date range you specify.

  • In Wufoo, text information is visible in RoomBoss, however data such as images are only visible in Wufoo (relevant if you ask your customers to upload an image etc as part of your form.)

Last updated

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