
How to generate and view sales reports

Booking Statistics Report

This report conveys a variety of statistics relating to bookings that occurred within a specified date range.

It presents aggregate statistics over the period including number of:

  • Bookings

  • Items

  • Product types

  • Booking channels

  • Booking segments

  • Gross Sales

  • Net Sales

It also drills down to present results such as:

  • Sales by Category

  • Sales by Product

  • Sales by Instructor

  • Sales by Booking channel

  • Sales by Booking segment

  • Sales by Customer Country

Both totals over the period and value for each day in the period are presented. This report can be viewed on screen and downloaded to Excel.

To access the report:

Navigate to Reports → Booking Statistics Report II

Booking Creation and Cancellation

This report conveys the timing of booking creation and cancellation. It can be used to answer questions such as:

  • What months are most of our bookings made?

  • When are our winter bookings made?

  • How many of our bookings end up being cancelled?

  • How do bookings this year compare to bookings last year?

To access the report:

Navigate to Reports → Booking Creation and Cancellation

Payments Report

This report provides an overview of received and pending payments, allowing you to:

  • View all payments received and pending that fall within a given date range.

  • View the total amount due to be received each month in the specified period. For past dates the total amount received is also shown.

  • Generate results for nightly audit of a sales desk.

The report presents:

  • Invoice ID

  • Invoice Date

  • Invoice Amount

  • Invoice Due Date

  • Invoice Notes

  • Payment Date

  • Payment Amount

  • Payment Method

  • Payment ID

  • Payment Notes

  • Editable / Not Editable

  • Booking ID (1st booking in Package)

  • Vendor (1st in Package)

  • Package Start Date

  • Package End Date

  • Lead Guest

  • Booking Status

This report can be viewed on screen and downloaded to Excel.

To access the report:

Navigate to Reports → Payments Report

Search Bookings

This page allows you to list bookings via a number of criteria including:

  • Search by Date

  • Search by Guest

  • Search by ID

  • Search by Payment Status

This report can be viewed on screen and downloaded to Excel.

To access the report:

Navigate to Bookings → Search Bookings

Last updated