Explanation of product setup
Navigate to Product Setup → Product Details → Products & Services
Products are linked to Child Category (types) to help customers find them easily.
Each product can have up to 10 selectable fields or information.
Making a field "Compulsory" ensures that customers provide all necessary details.
Once a product is booked, even if the reservation is later canceled, its fields cannot be edited anymore.
Selectable Product Fields
Each products can have up to 10 independent options, labelled A-J (see below):
Number of people
Number of days
Shoe size (13cm–35.5cm)
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Ski/Snowboard Length (cm)
Ability (3–6 levels)
Text input
Fixed Start time
Fixed End time
Fixed duration
Variable start time
Variable end time
Custom start time (up to 48 options)
Custom duration (up to 48 options)
Custom number of days (up to 48 options)
Custom number of People
Meals Included
Numeric input
Custom dropdown Menu (up to 48 options)
Option A is linked to pricing. Prices can be adjusted based on the number of days, people, or dropdown choices. If the price does not change, Option A can be left blank.
Notes for Product Settings
Lessons must have both a start and end time. Use one of the following combinations:
Start time & end time
Start time & fixed duration
Custom start time & fixed duration
Start time & customizable duration
Required fields ensure that customers and travel agencies must select them before completing the booking.
Recommended to keep the same field order across all products for consistency. Example: Always assign “Start Time” to Selection C. If a product doesn’t require a start time, set Selection C to “Not Used.”
For group lessons with automatic skill level progression, ensure that the skill level field is always in the same position to help estimate the number of instructors needed for multi-day lessons.
Bottom of the Product Edit Page, keep the Guest Photo Requirement set to "No".
Example Product Setup
Parent Category
Child Category (Type)
Private Ski
AM Private Ski
PM Private Ski
Full-Day Private Ski
Group Ski
AM Group Ski
PM Group Ski
Full-Day Group Ski
Private Snowboard
AM Private Snowboard
PM Private Snowboard
Full-Day Private Snowboard
Group Snowboard
AM Group Snowboard
PM Group Snowboard
Full-Day Group Snowboard
Example Product Selection Fields
AM Private Ski:
Full-Day Group Snowboard:
Option A is connected to the rate for the product. If Option A has choices 1 to 7 days, when entering rates you will have slots for 1 to 7 days.
Options can be set as compulsory with the Compulsory check box. If Compulsory is checked for Ability Level (as Option B above) guests and agents will not be able to proceed with a booking until a choice is made for this option.
Lessons must have start and end time specified. This can be done by setting a Start Time and an End Time, or with a Start Time and the Lesson Duration.
Keeping options in the same location across lessons is recommended for clarity. i.e. Start Time is always set in Option C. It is acceptable to leave an option as Not Used in some products to help achieve this.
The Ability Level option must be in a consistent location if you wish to use group lesson automatic level progression. (An optional function to help estimate number of instructors needed when offering multi day group lessons.)
It is not possible to change option ordering after a product has been used in a booking.
Images saved on products will show on the booking widget.
Last updated