
Managing instructor log ins and contracts

Adding Instructors

To add instructors:

Navigate to Product Setup → Product Details → Resources

This page controls the basic instructor settings:

  1. ID - An optional field that can be used to insert an ID from an external HR system.

  2. Name - The instructor's name.

  3. Email Address - Messages to the instructor can be sent to this email address from within RoomBoss.

  4. External ID - The instructor's RFID, if one exists.

  5. Status - Active and Inactive (once the instructor leaves employment you should set them to Inactive.)

More detailed information on the instructor is set via their contract.

Setting Instructor Contracts

To setup instructor contracts:

Navigate to Product Setup → Instructor Contract Management

A contract is required in order to calculate instructor pay, these are set on the Contracts tab.

  1. Select your ski school from the Vendor drop down menu, click Next

  2. All the existing contracts will be displayed

    • To create a completely new contract, click on the Create button

  3. Enter the instructor's details as requested (or edit the new copy), enter ability levels and relevant Tags

  4. Click Save

Details that can be saved with the contract include a default parent category (see Managing Availability With Live Instructors), Level and Tags, these provide a way to filter instructors by their abilities when allocating lessons to instructors.

On the Custom Rate tab, you may set the name and choose the number of pay rates available.

Tags can be used to quickly identify a suitable instructor when a customer has special needs (e.g.: The customer wants a lesson to be taught in Cantonese). You can configure what Tags are available by navigating to:

Product Setup → Instructor Contract Tag

Instructor Log Ins

The RoomBoss SSMS has a portal where instructors can log in to view their upcoming schedules, lessons, and their pay. After adding an instructor, their login credentials are automatically generated, these credentials will need to be sent to the instructor.

To view instructor login details:

Navigate to Product Setup → Instructor Log Ins

This page will show for each instructor:

  • Name - the instructor's name.

  • ID - the instructor's login ID.

  • Password - this allows you to Change password or Send reset link to an instructor's email address by clicking on the corresponding link.

  • Created - date and time the login was created.

  • Last Login - date and time of the last login.

  • Login Count - total login count.

Instructors can log into the portal from here:

Instructor login IDs are generated by RoomBoss and cannot be changed.

Control How Far Into The Future Instructors Can View Their Schedule

It is possible to set a limit on the number of days into the future instructors can view via their login.

To set this, log in as Super Administrator

Navigate to Account → Edit Account Details

Last updated