Instructor Messenger

Using the instructor messenger function

You may send messages from RoomBoss to your instructors, these are displayed inside the Instructor Log Ins.

If you have added an email address for the instructor via: Product Setup → Product Details → Resources, messages will be sent to this email address.

Send Message

To send messages:

  1. Or

    • From the Schedule+, click on the Menu drop down menu and click on Messenger

  2. Click on the Send New Messages tab

  3. Enter your message Title, write your Message

  4. Click the Send Message button

You may choose to send to:

  • All - Message will go to all instructors.

  • Tags - Message will go to instructors that have specific tag(s) selected (for example you could choose to message the Private Ski group only).

  • Instructors - Select specific instructor(s) to message.

Instructor View & Mark as Read

Instructors can see messages by logging into their portal, they can indicate a message has been read, this can be useful when:

  • You want to confirm that the recipient instructor(s) have received the message.

  • You are asking for feedback, i.e. Mark as read by Dec 21 if you are happy to have less days off in January.

Checking if Instructors have a Read Message

  1. From within Schedule+, click the View Messages tab

  2. Click on the message you would like to check

  3. A list of Recipients will be displayed, a tick will be next to the name of those who have read the message

  4. If you want to know if a certain instructor has read the message, type their name in the text box under Recipients to locate them

Last updated