New Booking Reservation

How to process a new booking reservation

When a new reservation is made, you will receive a notification email.

The format of the email subject will be as below: [RoomBoss] [Best Ski School] 660876 New Booking (XXXX)

Agent Booking

If an Invoice Strategy has been set, the invoice(s) on the booking will be generated upon confirmation.

  • Download invoices as PDF from the Financial tab and email to the agent.

Direct Booking

No additional steps are required. If the customer has asked a question, you may respond directly by replying to the new booking notification email.

How to use Comment column on Edit A Booking page

It is possible to add comments to Edit A Booking page as an annotation for the customer's request / information.

  • Click the Edit button of Order Details on Edit A Booking page and add the comment to the comment column.

  • The Comment on an Item is visible to the vendor and agent but is not visible to the guest.

  • It's editable by both vendor and agent.

  • A change to the Item Comment and saving does not trigger an notification email to the vendor or agent.

Last updated