Activating the Integration

Steps you need to take to integrate with Neppan.

Steps by You

  1. Sign up for a 2-way PMS connection with Neppan and setup room types in Neppan that match room types in RoomBoss.

  2. Neppan will send you a password protected file called ‘PMS連動ID発行書’ that contains login information RoomBoss requires to create the connection. Please send us the files and the password in separate emails to maintain security of this info by or similar.

  3. Provide us with the Room Type Code. This is found in your Neppan account in: 在庫管理➡部屋タイプの一覧 under 部屋タイプグループ名 code.

  4. Make sure any bookings in Neppan have been manually entered into RoomBoss to match Neppan.

    • Set Booking Source as Neppan (also Segment if applicable).

    • Set Custom ID as the OTA Booking Number.

Steps by RoomBoss

  • RoomBoss will prepare the connection and arrange a date to activate with Neppan (typically 7 to 10 days after we receive the codes and the document for ID).

Things you need to check on integration day

  • Ensure that all bookings received 24 hours prior to activation are reflected in RoomBoss. Check inside the Neppan account that the status in the 予約管理予約一覧/詳細, PMS出力 (PMS Delivered) column is mark as delivered (済). Note: If there are PMS undelivered (未) bookings, RoomBoss cannot send availability to Neppan.

  • Once the connection has been activated, all bookings made in Neppan within the last day will be created inside RoomBoss (subject to availability).

OTA Collect cases

Please note the following: "Expedia Collect" and some other OTA collect reservations result in the net price being sent to RoomBoss. You will need to edit the booking to correct Gross and Sell prices for these cases. Please confirm which of your OTA collect cases result in this situation.

Last updated

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