Prior to Integration

Steps you need to take prior to integration

You will need to set up accounts on the OTAs you wish to connect to RoomBoss.

Note that the connection requires mapping room types inside RoomBoss to room types on the OTAs.

Before trying to connect, please ensure that:

  • For, Expedia, Jalan and Ctrip, properties in RoomBoss and OTAs match. I.e. 1 property on the OTA matches with 1 property in RoomBoss (this restriction is not necessary for Airbnb) .

  • For all OTAs, each room type on the OTA matches with 1 room type on RoomBoss.

  • For Airbnb, Room Types with multiple units in RoomBoss must be types that allow this on Airbnb, such as serviced apartments.

Default availability should be set to zero on all OTAs and availability controlled by RoomBoss.

Please contact us to discuss prior to starting the connection process if:

  • You have questions about property setup.

  • The property you wish to connect is already connected to another channel manager.

  • You want to connect multiple properties at the same time.

Last updated