Managing Rates & Restrictions with Calendars and Periods

Rate Calendars

Calendars are used to define periods where the same rates / restrictions will apply.

Calendars can be up to 12 months long but would typically be used to manage rates by season.

Note setting and changing calendars will not affect rates, they are just used to define rate periods.

Example 1 - Create a calendar defining dates for Winter 2021/2022

Navigate to Product Setup Rate Calendars

Example 2 - Create a calendar defining dates for Summer 2022

The method for adding periods and matching to dates is the same, but for this example periods with more variety based on day of the week have been setup.

Rate Periods

Once calendars have been set up it is possible to manage rates based on the defined periods.

Navigate to Product Setup Rate Periods

The periods page has a section for each room type with, for each period, duration, occupancy and the range of rates set for each period.

This view can be expanded to show and manage periods where dates are not continuous and show derived rate plans.

In our example our Christmas NY and CNY is actually applied to 2 periods, when initially setting our rate we can set across the entries date range, by making changes to the Christmas / NY / CNY column.

However as bookings come in we may wish to manage these separately, expanding this period will allow us to see occupancy and manage rates and restrictions for Christmas and NY and CNY either together or separately.

Setting Rates and Restrictions

Rates and restrictions for a period are set by clicking the pen and pencil icon on a cell.

Restrictions that can be set are:

  1. Closed - Rate plan will be unavailable for the period.

  2. Closed for Arrival - Rate plan will be unavailable for check-ins in the period.

  3. Closed for Departure - Rate plan will be unavailable for check-outs in the period.

  4. Length of Stay - Rate plan will only be available for bookings meeting the min and max length of stay requirements (these settings will override the default settings on the rate plan).

  5. Booking Window - Rate plan will only be available for bookings meeting the min and max days to check in requirements (these settings will override the default settings on the rate plan).

The options presented on clicking the pen and pencil icon will vary depending on the Room Type and rate plan setup.

Options for a room type with room pricing will allow setting a single nightly rate and restrictions.

Options for a room type with occupancy based pricing will allow setting prices for different level of occupancy and restrictions.

Options for a derived rate plan will only allow setting restrictions (as rates will be automatically derived).

Last updated