URL Parameter Reference

A list of available URL parameters and options available on the new accommodation booking engine.

Using Parameters

URL parameters are settings you can use to direct your guest to specific listings, subsets of vendors or products — or to apply settings such as viewing language or single-vendor mode on the booking engine.

The following example would load the Japanese language page (i18n=ja) for the specified vendor listing (listing/f808ad9639179863013932899b6a25d6) in single vendor mode (sv=1) , searching for 2 guests (g=2) checking in on Jan 31st (ci=20220131) for 1 night (n=1)



Specifies the language the link opens. Defaults to the browser language if it is supported. Defaults to EN if not specified.

Parameter: i18n Options: Supported languages en ja zh-hans zh-hant Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?i18n=ja

Vendor ID

Specifies the accommodation vendor listing. Vendor ID is only required when you want to link directly to a specific listing.

Parameter: listing/ Options: Vendor ID (e.g "f808ad9639179863013932899b6a25d6") Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search/listing/f808ad9639179863013932899b6a25d6

Vendor ID can be found in Product Setup -> Product Details -> Overview tab.


Specifies the search location for the map search screen. Location is compulsory on map search pages, but is not required in sv=1 mode.

Parameter: loc Options: niseko niseko_hirafu niseko_annupuri niseko_higashiyama niseko_hanazono niseko_village nozawa nozawa_onsen furano hakuba bali Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?loc=niseko

Check-in date

Specifies the check-in date of the stay.

Parameter: ci Options: Check-in date (YYYYMMDD) Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?ci=20220131


Specifies the number of nights to search for.

Parameter: n Options: Number of nights (number) Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?n=2


Specifies the number of guests to search for.

Parameter: g Options: Number of Guests (number) Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?g=2

Single Vendor

Specifies whether listing page should be loaded in single vendor mode or not. The single vendor parameter should only be used on listing pages.

Parameter: sv Options: 1 Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search/listing/f808ad9639179863013932899b6a25d6?sv=1

Room Type

Shows the selected room type at the top of the room list. The room type parameter should only be used on listing pages.

Parameter: rtid Options: Room Type ID (e.g "ff8081811c21f6e4011c2203591d0002" Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search/listing/f808ad9639179863013932899b6a25d6?sv=1&rtid=ff8081811c21f6e4011c2203591d0002

Vendor Set

Limits map search page to only show products in a specific vendor set.

Parameter: vs Options: Vendor set code (string) Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?i18n=ja&vs=sample

Promotional Code

Displays hidden rate plans associated to the specified promotional code. If a rate plan has a one or more promotional codes associated to it, it will not be visible until one of the codes has been applied.

Parameter: code Options: Rate plan promotional code (string) Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?i18n=ja&code=SUMMERSALE

Booking Segment

Booking Segments can be used to help keep track of booking sources, referrals and advertising campaigns.

After creating a Booking Segment, bookings made via a URL which includes this parameter will be associated with the specified segment, visible on the booking and as a field in various reports and excel downloads.

Parameter: segment Options: Booking Segment code (string) Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search?i18n=ja&segment=MYCAMPAIGN

Day Offset

If the Check-in date parameter is not present, offset can be used to add a specified number of days to the default check-in date (today).

For example, if the current date is 2024/12/01 and offset is set to 7, the default check-in date upon navigating to the booking engine will be 2024/12/08.

Parameter: offset Options: Day offset (number) Example: https://examplehotel.evoke.jp/search/listing/f808ad9639179863013932899b6a25d6?n=5&offset=7

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