End of Day Procedures

Clearing Reports, checking for Invoices and Cash Reconciliation

Clearing the Operations Report

At the end of the day the Operations Report for today should be empty. (All check ins, check outs and due tasks completed.)

  1. Navigate to Operations → Operations Report.

  2. Make sure today's Date is selected.

  3. Check Include Arriving Bookings and Include Departing Bookings options.

  4. Within Include Tasks with Activity move all activity types relevant for front desk to the right and click Generate Report.

  5. If there are outstanding items then address accordingly.

Check for Departing Bookings Not Yet Invoiced

  1. Navigate to Bookings Search Bookings.

  2. Choose the Search by Payment Status tab.

  3. Set From to be today and Until to be tomorrow.

  4. Select The invoiced amount does not equal the sale amount and click Search.

  5. If you encounter a non-accommodation booking that isn't part of an accommodation package;

    1. Open the accommodation booking.

    2. Click Add To Package then Existing Booking. Enter the non-accommodation Booking ID and follow steps.

  6. Click the Financial tab and add an invoice to ensure the booking is fully invoiced. With due date being tomorrow for bookings that check out tomorrow.

Check for Departing Bookings with Due Invoices

  1. Navigate to Bookings Search Bookings.

  2. Choose the Search by Payment Status tab.

  3. Set From to be today and Until to be tomorrow.

  4. Select Payment Has Not Been Received with due by date tomorrow. Click Search.

  5. If you encounter a non-accommodation booking that isn't part of an accommodation package;

    1. Open the accommodation booking.

    2. Click Add To Package then Existing Booking. Enter the non-accommodation Booking ID and follow steps.

  6. Add Notes or add a Task in the Edit a Booking page as necessary (depending on your front desk's procedure) to assist with payment required at tomorrow's check out.

Payment Reconciliation

The goal is to verify at the close of business that the amount of cash, vouchers, and credit card merchant receipts on hand etc match payments recorded in RoomBoss.

  1. Operations → Payments Report.

  2. Check that the From and Until dates are set to today, and Include Payments Only then click Show.

  3. Under Download Report click the PDF icon and print.

  4. Refer to the POS Totals by Payment Method section and verify the totals match the take.

    1. If totals are matched then follow your company's protocol to submit paperwork.

    2. If not matched then investigate at the payment level to identify the break.

Last updated