Rate Audit Report

The rate Audit Report allows you to access account wide rate and occupancy data for the periods defined in your calendar(s) in a single report.

Navigate to Reporting Rate Audit Report

To run the report choose a calendar, properties and Generate Report.

This report checks occupancy, rates and restrictions for every room type in every selected vendor for every date in the selected calendar and can take a long time to run.

You can make it faster by selecting only the vendors you need to see.

Once complete the report can be downloaded to excel.

It will show all room types (and Ids) and linked rate plans (and Ids) and for each Room Type at each property, for each period in the selected calendar, the report will show:

  • Occupancy %

  • Rates for each number of occupants, as a range. The label for the rate for the base occupancy level will include (Base), for the max occupancy level (Max).

  • Closed dates for each rate plan, as a percentage

  • Closed to arrival dates for each rate plan, as a percentage

  • Closed to departure dates for each rate plan, as a percentage

  • MinLos (Length of stay) values set for period, as a range

  • MaxLos (Length of stay) values set for period, as a range

  • Min days to check in values set for period, as a range

  • Max days to check in values set for period, as a range

Filter in Excel

The report has been designed to allow for easy filtering in Excel, some examples of how this could be used are:

Base Rates

Filtering column F for rates containing (Base) and Date Range from (Header) and Date Range to (Header) would give the base for all periods, for all Rate Plans across all Room Types in the report:

Base Rates for a Specific Rate Plan

Filtering column F for rates containing (Base) and Date Range from (Header) and Date Range to (Header) and column D for a specific Rate Plan (and blank values )would give the base for all periods, for this Rate Plan across all Room Types in the report:


Filtering column F for Occupancy% and Date Range from (Header) and Date Range to (Header) would give Occupancy for all periods across all Room Types in the report:

Base Rates and Occupancy

Filtering column F for Occupancy% and for rates containing (Base) and Date Range from (Header) and Date Range to (Header) would give the base for all periods, for all Rate Plans across all Room Types in the report:

And to filter for a single rate plan remove the other plans from the filter on column D:

Min Length of Stay

Filtering column F for MinLos(Range) and Date Range from (Header) and Date Range to (Header) would give the base for all periods, for all Rate Plans across all Room Types in the report:

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