Channel Manager Booking Reservations

How to process a channel manager booking reservation

New Reservation

When you receive a new channel manager booking, this will be created inside your RoomBoss account and you will be sent a notification email.

The format of the email subject will be as below: [RoomBoss] [My Hotel] 660876 New Booking (RoomBoss Channel Manager)

  1. Update the Financial tab to reflect the payment status of the booking.

  2. Add relevant Tasks and set due dates (if applicable).

    • Under Add a task, select an Activity from the drop down menu.

    • Enter a Description.

    • Set a Due Date and Time (if relevant).

    • Select a user from the drop down menu Assigned To.

    • Click Save

  3. Respond to the guest's questions. You may respond to the guest directly by replying to the new notification email.

All changes to the Status, Stay Dates and Room Type have to be made by the booking channel and should never be changed inside RoomBoss.

Last updated

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