Online Credit Card Payment

Enabling online payment and configuring payment options

Adding a New Payment Gateway

To allow you to accept online payments, a payment gateway will need to be added and configured.

  1. Navigate to Product Setup → Online Payment Settings.

  2. Click Payment Gateways icon at the top of the screen.

  3. Set a Name for the Payment Gateway (for internal use).

  4. Select the desired Payment Account Type from the drop down menu.

  5. Enter the requested credentials for your payment account in Payment Account ID.

  6. Click the Add Payment Gateway button.

Please note that full Guest address information is needed in order to store Credit Card details for the Flywire gateway.

Payment Strategy

Payment Strategy is a mechanism to direct customers to different Payment Gateways based on certain conditions.

Each Payment Strategy has:

  • a default Payment Gateway - which customers will be directed to by default.

  • and Exceptions - if a customer meets the condition set for an exception, they will be directed to the Payment Gateway set by the exception.

Exceptions work in the order they are entered. Customer will always be directed to the Payment Gateway set by the first exception matched.

Adding a New Payment Gateway Strategy

  1. Navigate to Product Setup → Online Payment Settings.

  2. Click Payment Gateway Strategy icon at the top of the screen.

  3. Set a Name for the Payment Gateway Strategy.

  4. Click on the Default Payment Gateway drop down menu to choose from your previously defined Payment Gateways.

  5. You are able to set exceptions where under certain conditions an alternate payment gateway will be used. Conditions include:

    • Guest Country - set alternative payment gateways for different countries.

    • Invoice Due Date - select a payment gateway depending on the number of days and hours until the invoice is due.

    • Package Start Date - select a payment gateway depending on the number of days and hours until the packaging will start.

    • Viewing Language - select a payment gateway depending on the selected viewing language of the booking widget.

  6. Click on Add Payment Gateway Strategy to save.

For further information regarding Payment Gateway Strategy please click here.

Booking Widget Buttons

RoomBoss allows you to control how your customers make bookings and send inquiries from your website booking widget. This is done by using the Send Inquiry and Book & Pay widget buttons.

Send Inquiry - Allow customer to send an inquiry about lessons they are interested in. Book & Pay - Allow customer to book online and make payment.

To decide which buttons appear to your customers:

  1. Navigate to Product Setup → Online Payment Settings.

  2. Click Online Payment Settings at the top of the screen.

Enable Book & Pay

  • If the Enable Book & Pay option is enabled (checked), both the Book & Pay and Send Enquiry buttons will be visible on your online booking widgets. Book & Pay bookings allow customers to secure their reservations immediately by making a payment via your payment gateway.

  • If Enable Book & Pay option is disabled (unchecked), customers will only have access to the Send Inquiry button, from which you receive booking requests.

  • Visibility of the button also depends on the availability of the instructor. If Book & Pay is enabled but no inventory is remaining, Send Inquiry will be shown.

Other Condition Based Widget Button Settings

  • If Hide Request Button if Book & Pay Possible is enabled, either Book & Pay or Send Inquiry will be shown on the page (not both):

    • If direct booking is possible (there is instructor availability), only Book & Pay will be shown.

    • However, if direct booking is not possible (no instructor availability), only Send Inquiry will be shown.

Enable Book & Pay must be enabled before Hide Request Button if Book & Pay Possible can be enabled.

Auto Cancel

If Book & Pay is displayed on the booking widget you may also set an Auto Cancel, so bookings are automatically cancelled if a customer does not make payment.

  • Navigate to Account → Edit Account Details

  • Under Auto Cancel Booking, click on the Enable Auto Cancel of Bookings checkbox.

Last updated