POS Booking Management
Search, Cancel & Refund Bookings using the Search feature
Last updated
Search, Cancel & Refund Bookings using the Search feature
Last updated
By selecting the tab at the bottom of the POS screen, it's possible to search for existing bookings that have been made.
Bookings can be searched by any of:
Booking ID
Last Name
First Name
When viewing the booking page within POS, you have the option to Print Receipts, Refund the booking or Cancel the booking if needed.
In order to cancel a booking on POS, first search the booking and view the Booking Information.
At the bottom of the Booking Information screen, the option to Cancel Booking can be selected.
Click “Cancel Booking” on the pop up message to confirm the cancellation.
Once the cancellation is done, the status will change from Active to Cancelled.
Bookings will not be automatically refunded from this step. A refund must be made in addition to the cancellation.
In order to refund a booking on POS, first search the booking and view the Booking Information.
At the bottom of the Booking Information screen, the option to Refund can be selected.
If you choose to refund the guest via POS:
You can only refund the Full Amount
It can only be refunded by the same payment method that the guest paid with