Search Booking Page Downloads
The Search Booking page has excel downloads including a customisable booking report with savable templates.
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The Search Booking page has excel downloads including a customisable booking report with savable templates.
Last updated
Its possible to access the downloads via the icon in the bottom right of the screen. Report options are:
Custom Report with saved templates and tabs for:
RoomBoss - List of report items with custom fields.
Summary - Summary of bookings by guest country.
When Booked - Reports how far in advance booking are made.
Meals - Reports all meals for bookings in scope of the report.
Payments report - all invoices and payments for bookings in the scope of the search.
The custom report allows you to choose what is present on the download and save templates for use later.
Once created your templates can be applied to any search result (vendor, or group of vendors, date range...). This means that without creating separate templates you can run reports for today, tomorrow, the next week, hotel 1, hotel 2 etc.
Package - All items in Packages where any item meets the criteria.
Booking - All items in Bookings where any items meets the criteria.
Item - Only items which meet the criteria.
Booking Element (item in a booking)
Choose the columns to be present in your report, columns on the right side will be included.
If you would like to save this report as a template for later enter a name and click Save & Generate Report if running the report once just Generate Report.
To see all meals for a period:
Optionally restrict to a single vendor
Choose your period
Search for bookings
Download the custom report
The Meals tab will give you all the meals for the period
To see booking lead times for a period:
Optionally restrict to a single vendor
Choose your period
Search for bookings
Download the custom report
The When Booked tab will give you the booking lead times for the period
This would be for a report where we might be providing pre booking guests service items such as BBQ sets or baby cots to guest room (or apartment, chalet...) and need to know the list of items and where they need to be.
We can setup and save a template to give us the correct fields for this:
Then if we need to run the report to get tomorrows setup:
Choose our BBQ vendor and tomorrow
Search then choose the BBQ Sets Report template and download a report with only the fields we need:
A template that could be quickly used to find the cost of price adjustments for a period could look like this:
The difference between the Rack Rate and Gross is the amount of the discount and the applied adjustments column gives the price adjustment(s) that caused the difference in price.
When running an Arrivals report for tomorrow we would choose tomorrow and bookings that Arrive during these dates.
Then saved template might look like the below in order to give us arrival time, name and contact number for each booking.
A departures report would be similar to the above with the exception that when running the report we would choose, bookings that Depart during these dates and our report template would include Check Out / End and Departure time (instead of Check In / Start and Arrival Time).
This report would give the booking items along with the associated guests this might be used to show for example:
All the lessons for a ski school for a day with the actual guest taking the lesson
For an accommodation, the guests staying in each room
For a ski rental vendor the guest renting each item
For lift tickets the guest using each pass
A contact info report template might look like the below (note that choosing Package will prevent duplicate rows for each item in the booking).
Once the template is defined it can be used for multiple cases. For example:
For a specific vendor choose the vendor and run the report.
For everybody currently in town choose Today and Bookings that Arrive, Depart and Stay.
For everybody arriving tomorrow choose Tomorrow and Bookings that Arrive during these dates
For everybody that stayed in the last month choose < 28 Days and Bookings that Depart during these dates