In House
Updating the Checked in and Checked out status on the edit booking page will allow you to see the check in status of your bookings as well as populating the In House Report
Last updated
Updating the Checked in and Checked out status on the edit booking page will allow you to see the check in status of your bookings as well as populating the In House Report
Last updated
Updating the Checked in and Checked out status on the edit booking page, as well as letting you see the check in status of your bookings, will populate the In House Report.
To set the checked in / out status on a booking, open the Additional Stay Details on the Edit Booking screen:
To see the in house report:
Navigate → Reporting → In House Report
The In House report shows details of all booking that have checked in status but do not have checked out status. You can view all properties or a single property.
For the fire record, what bookings are currently in house?
What rooms can’t we start out cleaning yet? (what bookings have not yet checked out)
Which in house guests have not fully paid?
The download all guests report will give you an excel download showing all vendor lead guests (if no vendor lead guest exists for an agent booking agent lead guest will be shown) and all vendor additional guests for all bookings which have at least one room that has checked in and not checked out.
The download all guests report shows:
Total number of guest details entered – Total number of guests entered on the report.
Sum of occupancy for every in house booking – Sum of occupancy for all in house rooms on the report.
Index – enumeration of guests added for each booking.
Guest names
Occupancy for this booking – Sum of occupancy for all in house rooms in this booking.
Residency – Guest residency will be displayed if entered.
Booking ID
Rooms checked in – For bookings with multiple rooms all rooms that in house in will be shown here.
Notes on the download all guests report:
If all details for all in house guests have been entered and occupancy (guests) is correctly set on each booking Total number of guest details entered and Sum of occupancy for every in house booking will be the same.
It is possible to check what booking(s) are using a particular apartment or room today with the Search – Bookings by Room function.
To access the search:
Navigate → Reports → In House Report and select the Bookings By Room tab.
Choose the property and room and click Show, all bookings that are checking in, checking out or mid stay for the room in question will be shown.
Note: this report does not take account of checked in / out status.
An example of when this report might be useful would be: a guest calls or comes to reception and says "I am in room X", you can now locate their booking information with their room number only.
Download the Report by clicking the button at the bottom right corner of the Checked In Bookings tab.