Operations Report
The Operations Report in RoomBoss provides an overview of all check ins, check outs, and tasks on a particular day.
Last updated
The Operations Report in RoomBoss provides an overview of all check ins, check outs, and tasks on a particular day.
Last updated
To access the Operations Report:
Navigate to Operations → Operations Report
For each task or check in / out, you can see the following information:
You can download all the information on this report in Excel format by clicking the Download Report button.
For more on how to setup and use customised tasks, please see the Tasks page for more information.
Management Overview
If you setup custom activities for, for example, snow clearing, guest pickup, maintenance check, food delivery, and more, create tasks for the things that need to be done each day. The Operations Report can provide a real-time management overview of the status of all the day’s jobs.
Multiple check ins/outs in the same booking
If you have multiple arrival times / guest pickups for a single booking, this can be managed by adding tasks to the booking for each pickup / check in. If you create an activity “additional check in / out” and add your tasks for this activity, it will make it easy to filter for these.
Staff Scheduling
If you are managing staff activities via RoomBoss, the Operations Report can be used when scheduling to provide an overview of how busy you will be day by day.
Office Tasks
You can add tasks for, for example, invoicing, chasing payment, ordering additional services, and use the reports filters to only show the tasks you are interested in.
The Operations Report is a useful place to look to answer questions such as:
Have all bookings checking out tomorrow paid in full?
How many check ins / outs do we have on Saturday?
How many of today’s check ins have yet to occur? Are we still waiting for guests to arrive?
Have all today’s snow clearing tasks been completed?