Calendar Month Locking

How to lock a calendar month

A Trust Period (a calendar month), should be locked once:

  • All unfinalised and finalised payments received in the month have been transferred to Trust.

    • Navigate to Trust → Transfer Payments

    • Click on the Show unfinalised deposits checkbox.

    • Under the Transfer All | None column, select the individual payments you wish to transfer and lock or click All.

    • Click the Finalise and Transfer.

The calendar month can be locked - "closed" by team members who have the Trust R5 – Advanced Accounting role:

  • Navigate to Trust → Setup.

  • Click on the Periods tab.

  • Click on Close Period in the Action column of the month you wish to close.

  • Click OK when the "Are you sure" dialog box appears.

Once the Trust Period (a calendar month) is closed, it cannot be reopened. All existing financial transactions and reservations will no longer be editable by any team member.

Last updated