Non-Accommodation Bookings

Creating and modifying non-accommodation bookings

Add Non-Accommodation Booking to Guest Package

When a guest requests an item to be added to their package:

  1. Open the guest's accommodation booking.

  2. Click the Add To Package tab.

  3. From the New Booking tab choose the Vendor you wish to book and press Select.

  4. Ensure the correct Booking Source is selected.

    • If invoicing the guest choose your company as the Booking Source.

    • For agent bookings choose the agent if they are paying for the service.

  5. Check the Date of the service you are ordering. Note some vendors may require you to order a number of days in advance.

  6. Complete the order.

  7. Navigate to the Financial tab and add an invoice to cover the cost of the new item booked.

    • Make sure to select the correct Charge Route.

      • If the Booking Source is you then the Charge Route will be the guest.

      • If the Booking Source is the agent, then the charge route will be the agent.

    • Add a note to the first Notes field under Invoices & Receipts explaining what the charge is for (see screenshot below), this will also show in the Customer Intranet page.

A guest's accommodation booking can be found via the In House Report or via the Search Bookings page.

Non-accommodation bookings can be made independently of an accommodation booking. This is required for non-staying customers and may be used for staying customers who do not wish to add the item to their package.

Non-Accommodation Notification Email Received

Service providers such as ski schools and transfer companies may make or change bookings on your behalf. In this case you will be notified by email.

New Booking by Service Provider

The email subject will be of the form:

[RoomBoss] [Best Snow School] 100025 New Booking (Best Snow School)

  1. Identify and open the accommodation booking of the appropriate guest .

  2. Click Add To Package then Existing Booking. Enter the non-accommodation booking ID and follow steps.

  3. Check the Sell price of the new non-accommodation booking is correct. This is the price the guest will pay.

  4. Click the Financial tab and add an invoice to ensure the new booking is invoiced.

Booking Changed by Service Provider

The email subject will be of the form:

[RoomBoss] [Best Snow School] 100025 Booking Modified (Best Snow School)

  1. Open the non-accommodation booking.

  2. Check if the Sell price of the new non-accommodation booking is correct. This is the price the guest will pay.

  3. Click the Financial tab and ensure the package is fully invoiced.

Last updated