Guides for setting up Cleaning Schedules and Events
Prior to using housekeeping it is necessary to setup events and schedules, then associate schedules with room types.
Navigate to Product Setup → Housekeeping and choose the Schedule tab.
Cleaning Schedules
It is possible to create an unlimited number of cleaning schedules and populate these with cleaning events. For example, you could create the following schedules:
Standard Cleaning schedule.
Light Clean – cleaning once a week only.
Daily Clean – cleaning everyday.
Hot Tub Clean – a schedule only for apartments with hot tubs that includes hot tub clean events.
There are three pre-set default cleaning events: I – Inspection A – Arrival D – Departure
To create a cleaning schedule:
Navigate to Product Setup → Housekeeping
Enter a Schedule Name
Select the Max Nights - the maximum length of booking it will apply to
Choose which of the default cleaning events (I, A, D) you wish to include in the schedule
Click Add
It is possible to create multiple schedules, any that are not associated with rooms will be ignored. It is not possible to delete schedules or change their name or maximum stay length once created.
Cleaning Events
In addition to the default cleaning events, under Cleaning Event Names, it is also possible to define a further seven custom cleaning events, these will be common to all of your cleaning schedules. Using the example below:
H1 - Minor
H2 - Major
H3 - Linen change
H4 - Towel Change
H5 - Linen and Towel Change
H6 - Maintenance
H7 - Out Clean
Adding Events to Schedules
It is possible to add events to a cleaning schedule in two ways:
Associate Cleaning Schedules with Rooms
Once cleaning schedules have been created they need to be associated with room types.
Choose the Schedule ⟷ Room Types tab.
Select a schedule to associate with room types from the left hand box.
Move all room types to be associated with this schedule to the right hand box using the arrows.
If this schedule is to be the default schedule for this room type tick the Default check box.
Click Save.
If no default schedule is set for a room type then the first alphabetically will be used as default.
If multiple default schedules are set, the first of the defaults alphabetically will be used.
Associating schedules with rooms will not change the cleaning schedule that has been set for pre-existing bookings. To change the cleaning for existing bookings the schedule will need to be set on each booking.
Last updated